
High Performance Gas Adsorption

Surface Area, Porosity, Chemisorption, and Temperature Programmed Methods

  • Highest-performance gas adsorption analyzer for surface area and porosity measurements of microporous solids
  • Integrated vapor sorption capabilities to measure surface hydrophobicity/-philicity or application-specific uptake
  • Static and dynamic chemisorption capabilities to characterize active surfaces
  • Analysis sequencing to measure physisorption, chemisorption, and vapor sorption on a single sample


The 3Flex high-performance gas adsorption analyzer is the most advanced instrument for measuring surface area, pore size, and pore volume of powders and particulate materials.  The 3Flex is ideally suited for gas or vapor adsorption analysis of microporous (< 2 nm) and mesoporous (2 to 50 nm) materials and delivers superior accuracy, resolution and data reduction. Standard methods or user-customized protocols can be used to characterize adsorbents, catalysts, zeolites, MOFs, APIs, excipients, and a wide variety of porous and non-porous materials.

Available chemisorption configurations extend the 3Flex to physical and chemical adsorption methods to characterize the texture and active surface of catalysts, catalyst supports, sensors and a variety of other materials.

  • Surface area
  • Mesopore
  • Micropore
  • Cyclic adsorption and desorption
  • Heat of adsorption
  • Vapor sorption
  • Static Chemisorption
  • Temperature-programmed reactions: TPR, TPO, TPD, TPSR
  • Dynamic Chemisorption

The 3Flex features three parallel analysis ports. One port is configured with an ultra-high sensitivity 0.1 torr transducer to enable characterization to the ultra-micropore region. All three ports can be configured for micropore analysis to improve throughput for the most demanding labs. The Flex is a single-port configuration of the 3Flex for labs with limited throughput needs.



The 3Flex is the premier platform for gas adsorption measurements, delivering a complete portfolio of capabilities for advanced physisorption measurements.

  • The lowest measurable sample pressure to enable complete characterization of materials starting from the ultra-micropore region, driven by ultra-clean manifold design that features hard-seal valves and chemically resistant metal seals to provide chemical compatibility, increased evacuation speed and vacuum performance, and the lowest outgassing rate in the industry.
  • Isotherm data collection begins in the 10
  • Rapidly collect high-resolution adsorption isotherms with advanced dosing methods and proprietary hardware. Advanced dosing method permits user to combine pressure and volume increments to optimize isotherm resolution in regions of high and low uptake. The proprietary computer-controlled servo-valve guarantees accurate dose delivery in less time.
  • Ports can be configured for krypton analysis of low surface area materials
  • Standard configuration includes vapor sorption capabilities; an optional heated vapor source is available to extend the analysis range.
  • Sequence experiments of gas adsorption, vapor sorption, and chemisorption to determine basic surface structure, functional performance, and chemical surface characteristics without removing the sample from the instrument
  • Analyze a sample with three separate adsorbent gases simultaneously, one at each port in a single analysis
  • Po port with dedicated pressure transducer provides continuous monitoring of saturation pressure
  • MicroActive™ Data Reduction software provides powerful yet intuitive data analysis
  • Small footprint conserves valuable bench space

Expand the 3Flex’s analytical reach with chemisorption capabilities that include static chemisorption, dynamic chemisorption, and pulse chemisorption to measure specific surface chemistries.

With the addition of the integrated thermal conductivity detector (TCD), the 3Flex can deliver highly accurate dynamic chemisorption analyses: temperature programmed reduction (TPR), oxidation (TPO), desorption (TPD), and reactions (TPRx). Investigate temperature-dependence of specific adsorption or desorption process profiles for catalysts and adsorbents.
The TCD Loop option further unlocks pulse chemisorption for measurements of active surface area and an automated injection loop.

Innovative design allows complete switch between physisorption and chemisorption analysis in minutes.

  • VCR seals provide higher levels of system cleanliness, low outgas rates, and base pressures. The result is accurate low-pressure chemisorption isotherms and the ability to measure oxygen-sensitive materials
  • Standard high-precision mass flow controller provides the most accurate, gas control
  • High-temperature furnace (up to 1100°C) provides quick and accurate ramp rates with precise temperature control and repeatability (±1°C)
  • Superior temperature control maintains accuracy and repeatability in monotonic isotherms
  • Up to a total of sixteen* gas inlets allow multiple probe gases to be investigated maximizing efficiency and range of applications
  • High-temperature, precision quartz cell improves accuracy and sensitivity for challenging analyses
  • Heated vapor can also be used as the adsorptive for chemical adsorption analyses
  • Powerful MicroActive software provides automated data collection and insightful analysis. Available analyses include: peak integration, peak deconvolution (curve fitting), and calculation of active surface area, crystallite size, and dispersion.
  • Industry exclusive, localized loop valve temperature measurement and control improves precision, signal detectability and repeatability of the precision, detectability, and repeatability in the TCD signal (TCD Loop Option).

Why 3Flex?

The ultra-stable leak-free manifold design provides the ideal environment for low pressure measurements, as low as 10-9 p/p0. Embedded temperature control to 45°C ± 0.05°C and measurement with three carefully positioned RTD’s ensures the highest gas volume accuracy. The result is high accuracy isotherms over the widest range of analysis pressures, ensuring complete and reliable characterization from meso- to ultramicro-pore sizes.

Unique computer-controlled servo-valve technology ensures dosing accuracy, especially at low analysis pressures where traditional designs struggle to deliver accurate doses. Advanced dosing controls allow for the seamless combination of dosing by pressure and volume increments. The result is the highest resolution isotherms with the shortest analysis time.

The 3Flex is ideally suited to studies of vapor sorption. Every instrument features a manifold that is controlled to 45 °C, ±0.05 °C to prevent condensation during vapor dosing. An available heated vapor source extends the range of available analysis vapors. An extensive library of fluid properties for more than 80 fixed gases and vapors are included to maximize the analysis capabilities. Isotherm data are easily collected using hydrocarbons as the adsorptive.

Advanced experimental controls allow you to easily design measurements that meet your needs for accuracy, speed, and experimental conditions.

  • Gas selection – choose from more than 80 adsorbates
  • Free space measured at both ambient and analysis temperature. Choose to measure free space after analysis to improve micropore accuracy.
  • Dosing options added to the pressure table give you the ability to change the pressure increment, volume dose increment, and equilibrium interval time between data points.
  • Update dosing settings during an experiment
  • Dosing from gas inlets or vapor source
  • Automatically repeat isotherm to analyze reversible sorption

For studies that require particularly aggressive gas compositions, a special version of the 3Flex is available with enhanced corrosion resistance (ECR). Wetted materials are constructed from highly resistant Hastelloy, stable perfluoroelastomers, and inert-coated stainless steel to provide the greatest stability under the harshest working conditions.

Superior Chemisorption Hardware Versatility
Up to sixteen-inlet* gas manifold is standard with the chemisorption capability. Flow control during sample activation utilizes a mass flow controller (MFC) for precise and repeatable sample preparation. The MFC is included with all chemisorption configurations.
* TCD with Loop configuration

In situ Chemisorption Sample Preparation and Activation
In situ preparation and activation provide a fully automated method that does not require user intervention and fully integrates activation and analysis into one simple-to-use application. Flexible pre-treatment options allow for reduction, oxidation, evacuation, and purging

Advanced Data Analysis and Reporting

System Configurations

  • Physisorption

    High resolution gas adsorption isotherms with the world’s best low pressure sensitivity Vapor sorption analyses
    Repeated adsorption/desorption

  • Chemisorption

    Static chemisorption analysis
    Accurate, stable furnace to 1100°C
    Integrated sample prep and activation including mass flow controller

  • Chemi-TCD

    Dynamic chemisorption including temperature-programmed analyses
    Injection port, cold trap, and new analysis protocols in MicroActive to support dynamic chemisorption analyses: TPR, TPO, TPD, TPRx

  • Chemi-TCD Loop

    Pulse chemisorption adds increased precision, repeatability, and reproducibility by the addition of an injector loop valve with two loop options in addition to four gas inlets, a restrictor for flow control and an industry exclusive; local temperature measurement/control at loop injection

complete your workflow


Even with the best preparation, microporous materials may adsorb gas during the transfer form preparation to analysis stations. That is why the 3Flex includes an in situ sample tube heater to finish sample preparation at the analysis station to maximize accuracy for microporous and ultramicroporous materials.
Cryostat I
Single-Stage Cryogenic Refrigerator Based on the Gifford-McMahon Principle

Sample Preparation Systems

External sample preparation is recommended to provide optimal analysis throughput and quality of measurement. All basic sample preparation systems are designed with six independent stations so samples can be prepared as they become available, and so preparation does not limit analytical throughput.


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3Flex Physisorption Only 3Flex Chemisorption
Analysis Range 1.3 x 10-9 to 1.0 P/P0
1 x 10-6 to 900 torr
Parallel physisorption analysis ports 3Flex: 3
Flex: 1
Available Micropore Ports up to 3 up to 3, one port dual purpose chemisorption and physisorption
Dosing and Evacuation Control Proprietary Servo valve
Dosing control by pressure or volume
Roughing Pump 4 stage diaphragm
Krypton Analysis Standard 1 port, optional up to 3 ports
Simultaneous Analysis Gases Up to 3 gases concurrently, one probe gas on each port
Minimum Measurable Surface Area Standard 0.01 m2 /g
Krypton 0.0005 m2 /g
Manifold Temperature Control 45 °C, ±0.05 °C with 3 strategically placed RTDs
Adsorptive Gas Inlets 6 12 standard; optional up to 16
Vapor Sorption Ports 1 and 2: Standard
Port 3: optional with heated vapor source
Furnace N/A Ambient to 1100°C
Programmable from 0.1 to 50 °C/min
Mass Flow Controller N/A Standard, flow up to 200 cm3/min
TCD & cold trap for TPx N/A Optional
Automated Loop for pulse chemisorption N/A Optional
Dedicated Port for Residual Gas Analysis by MS or FTIR N/A Included
Mass Spec or other external system software interface control Included Included
Degas 3 in situ, 6 additional with dedicated prep system
Pressure Transducer System up to 12
Transducer Accuracy 1000 torr 0.12% reading
10 torr 0.12% reading
0.1 torr 0.15% reading
3Flex Physisorption Only 3Flex Chemisorption
Cryogen Dewar 3.2 L, greater than 70 hrs virtually unlimited
with refill during analysis
Cryogen Free Space Control Isothermal Jacket
3Flex Physisorption Only 3Flex Chemisorption
Advanced Modeling GAB, Sips, Toth, dissociative Langmuir, Redlich-Peterson
Instrument Operation Dashboard Dashboard permits real-time monitoring of critical parameters to ensure instrument reliability and plan preventative maintenance
Minimized Bench Space Footprint
3Flex Physisorption Only 3Flex Chemisorption
Height 112cm
Width 57.2cm
Depth 61cm

Provided specifications were valid as taken from available documents at time of publication. These specifications may change without notice and are only provided as a general reference

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