ASAP 2020 Plus

Accelerated Surface Area and Porosity

  • High resolution surface area and porosity analyzer
  • Independent preparation and analysis instrument in a single cabinet
  • Ideal for research, development, and quality control applications


The ASAP 2020 Plus is a high-performance adsorption analyzer for measuring surface area, pore size, and pore volume of powders and porous materials. Standard methods or user customized protocols can be used to characterize adsorbents, catalysts, zeolites, MOFs, APIs, excipients, and a wide variety of porous and non-porous materials. The ASAP 2020 Plus is ideally suited for gas adsorption analysis of microporous (0.35 to 2nm) and mesoporous (2 to 50nm) materials and delivers superior accuracy, resolution and data reduction. A vapor sorption option can be added to the ASAP 2020 Plus to extend the analysis range of the ASAP 2020 Plus physisorption.

A chemisorption option extends the application range of the ASAP 2020 plus to both physical and chemical adsorption for characterizing the texture and active surface of catalysts, catalyst supports, sensors and a variety of other materials.




programmable, two-station degas system allows physisorption sample preparation while running a chemisorption analysis


Twelve gas inlets allow multiple probe gases to be investigated maximizing efficiency and range of applications


Dedicated exhaust port for external detector connections


High-temperature 1100 °C furnace rapidly ramps to temperature and provides excellent, stable temperature and control with quick cool downs
In situ chemisorption sample preparation and activation provide a fully automated method that does not require user intervention
Design permits quick and easy transition from chemisorption to physisorption analysis


Programmable two-station degas system for automated SOP sample preparation


A dedicated P0 sensor allows for a faster analysis and provides P0 values at the same conditions as the adsorption measurement


Six analysis gas inlets with dedicated vapor and helium free-space ports provide greater flexibility and automated selection of pretreatment, backfill, and analysis gases


Proven Isothermal Jacket Cold Zone Control provides accurate, reproducible temperature maintenance


Long duration and refillable dewar provides virtually unlimited time of-analysis capability
Standard, independent dual vacuum systems (one for analysis, one for sample pretreatment). Standard dry pump design eliminates the need for cold trap
Proprietary transducer system provides unequalled stability, fast response, and low hysteresis for improved accuracy and signal to noise improvement
Proprietary transducer system provides unequalled stability, fast response, and low hysteresis for improved accuracy and signal to noise improvement

Why ASAP 2020 Plus?

  • Two independent vacuum systems permit simultaneous preparation of two samples while analyzing another. This maximizes your personnel productivity and your return on time invested
  • Continuous saturation pressure (Po) monitoring and unique Isothermal Jacket Cold Zone Control provide a stable thermal environment for both saturation pressure and adsorption. Spend time on results instead of controlling temperature variations
  • The ASAP 2020 Plus is configurable with many optional accessories to meet your specific analytical requirements

The ASAP 2020 Plus can be configured to your specific needs with the option of upgrading at a later date as your analytical requirements change, maximizing the utility of this instrument and your investment.

Choose from low surface area, to heated vapor, to micropore capability. Add a cryostat, an external detector, or configure the unit for enhanced chemical resistance when working with aggressive vapors. The ASAP 2020 Plus permits one instrument to accommodate almost any surface characterization need in your lab.

A chemisorption option extends the application range of the ASAP 2020 plus to both physical and chemical adsorption for characterizing the texture and active surface of catalysts, catalyst supports, sensors and a variety of other materials.

Isothermal jackets are guaranteed for the life of the instrument and ensure a constant thermal profile along the full length of both the sample and saturation pressure (Po) tubes.

Designed for Expanding Needs

HighVac Option

Equipped with a 10-mmHg transducer and a high vacuum pump. This system provides the low-pressure capability and pressure-measurement resolution required for low surface area analyses using krypton as the adsorptive.

Enhanced Chemical Resistance Option

The stainless-steel manifold is available with chemically resistant Kalrez® seals to support analyses using aggressive gases or vapors as the adsorptive.

Micropore Option

Includes a 0.1-mmHg transducer and a high vacuum pump. This system delivers accurate porosity data on pores between 0.35 and 3 nanometers and provides a comprehensive selection of micropore reports.

Cold Trap Option

Cold trap option available for your specific application.

Vapor Adsorption Option

Includes optional vapor accessories.

Software and Reporting Versatility

ASAP 2020 Software Features The easy-to-use ASAP 2020 software utilizes a Windows® interface that includes Wizards and applications to help plan, launch, and control the analysis. You can collect, organize, archive and reduce raw data, and store standardized sample information and analysis conditions for easy access during later applications.

Finished reports may be generated to screen, paper, or data transfer channels. Features include cut-and-paste graphics, scalable-and-editable graphs, and customizable reports. Additional capabilities include:

  • Degas temperature profiles and treatment time data are integrated with the sample file for future reference and verification of SOP compliance.
  • The Instrument Schematic screen displays the instrument’s current operating status, including the real-time isotherm, and allows the operator to assume manual control of the instrument if desired.
  • Overlays can be used to compare.
  • Exportable data tables provide for merging and comparing data from other sources in a unified single spreadsheet file.
  • Three modes of gas dosing routines provide effective choices to ensure maximum speed with full accuracy for samples with widely differing isotherm shapes.
  • The patented Smart Dosing™ routine actually learns about the sample’s potential to adsorb gas and adjusts the adsorptive doses accordingly. This helps prevent over-dosing the sample and obscuring porosity information.
  • The user can enter any reference isotherm into the system by way of a data file or table. This isotherm can be used in place of the pre-programmed thickness curves when calculating thickness for t-Plots, s (Alpha-S) plots, and BJH pore size distribution. The reference isotherm can also be overlaid with other plotted data for comparisons.



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Physisorption Chemisorption
Analysis Range 1.3 x 10-9 to 1.0 P/P0 1 x 10-6 to 900 torr
Roughing Pump 4 stage diaphragm 4 stage diaphragm
Minimum Measurable Surface Area Standard 0.01 m2/g 0.01 m2/g
Krypton 0.0005 m2/g 0.0005 m2/g
Physisorption Chemisorption
Adsorptive Gas Inlets 6 12 standard; optional up to 16
Vapor Sorption Option Included, optional heated vapor source Included, optional heated vapor source
Furnace N/A Ambient to 1100°C
Programmable from 0.1 to 50 °C/min
Degas 2 2
Pressure Transducer System 1000 torr 0.12% reading 1000 torr 0.12% reading
Transducer Accuracy 10 torr 0.12% reading
0.1 torr 0.15% reading
10 torr 0.12% reading
0.1 torr 0.15% reading
Physisorption Chemisorption
Cryogen Dewar 3.2 L, unlimited holding time with refill during analysis 3.2 L, unlimited holding time with refill during analysis
Cryogen Free Space Control Isothermal Jacket Isothermal Jacket
Physisorption Chemisorption
Data Analysis for Texture and Active Area BET Surface Area, t-Plot, BJH, Horvath-Kawazoe, Saito-Foley, Cheng-Yang, DFT, NLFT, and others Metal dispersion, Metal surface area, Crystallite Size
Advanced Modeling Heat of Adsorption, GAB, Sips, Toth, dissociative Langmuir, Redlich-Peterson, Virial Equation, AutoFit BET
Instrument Operation Dashboard Dashboard permits real-time monitoring of critical parameters

Provided specifications were valid as taken from available documents at time of publication. These specifications may change without notice and are only provided as a general reference

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