El popular programa de becas académicas de Micromeritics se renueva para 2024

Wednesday, 31 January, 2024

Norcross, Georgia, USA. – January 31, 2024.

Micromeritics renewed their popular Academic Grant Program, designed to maximize the value of university research grants. Originally launched in 2023, this program seeks to accelerate academic research by increasing access to state-of-the art materials characterization technology.

More than 350 academic institutions benefited from this program in its first year, including additions of cutting-edge new technology like the Breakthrough Analyzer (BTA), AutoChem, and AccuPyc. The company’s technologies play an especially pivotal role in the fields of net zero chemistries and technologies to reduce greenhouse gases. Today, Micromeritics systems are used in more than 90% of the world’s top universities to generate data that appears in over 140,000 peer-reviewed publications and 40,000 patents.

Eligible participants will receive matching grant funds or a lump-sum to apply toward the purchase of Micromeritics systems for characterization of surface area, porosity, density, powder flow, and catalyst activity.

Dr. Jeffrey Kenvin, VP of Science said “There is exciting work happening today in universities around the world towards the development of catalysts, adsorbents, and membranes related to green chemistry. We are proud that our technologies play such a central role in this work and see this as one important way that we support the academic community.”

Interested applicants can learn more and participate by visiting the program website.

Acerca de Micromeritics Instrument Corporation

Micromeritics Instrument Corporation is the world’s leading manufacturer of high-performance systems to measure density, surface area and porosity, powder rheology and catalyst activity.

La empresa tiene su sede en Norcross (Georgia, EE.UU.), con centros de fabricación en EE.UU. y Europa, y operaciones de venta directa en Norteamérica, Europa y Asia.