Optimizing AM Feedstock Reuse with an FT4 Powder Rheometer

May 11, 2023

Visión general

AM powder users, reprocessors and manufacturers share the need to maximise product quality and yield from feedstock while minimising waste of resources. Strategies for powder reuse, through direct recycling or rejuvenation processes, can significantly improve the output of raw materials, but the effectiveness of these strategies can massively vary across different materials and batches. Powder testing can be an extremely cost-efficient method, relative to a print trial, for addressing the critical issue of whether a proposed processing step or strategy delivers a worthwhile gain.

In this webinar, we explain how the FT4 Powder Rheometer measures relevant flow properties to quantify the impact of strategies for feedstock reuse to powder processability for AM. Moreover, we share real applications of powder rheology focusing on the optimisation of feedstock reuse through different strategies. We show how FT4 testing differentiates powders sensitively and relevantly, robustly identifying changes with a positive effect on print performance.

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