ASAP 2460 & 2425

Surface Area & Porosimetry System

  • Six independently operated analysis ports
  • Long-duration Dewars and Micromeritics Isothermal Jackets
  • The high-capacity Dewar


Analytical Versatility With Superior Throughput

Surface area and porosity are important physical properties that influence the quality and utility of many materials and products. Therefore it is critically important that these characteristics be accurately determined and controlled. Likewise, knowledge of surface area and especially porosity often are important properties in understanding the formation, structure, and potential application of many natural materials.

High Performance and High Sample Throughput. The automated Micromeritics® ASAP® 2425 surface area and porosimetry system is designed to help busy laboratories expand their workflow while providing highly accurate and precise surface area and porosimetry data. High performance, versatile analysis, and sample preparation systems are included in the same instrument.


High Performance and High Sample Throughput

The Micromeritics® ASAP® 2460 Surface Area and Porosimetry Analyzer incorporates a unique expandable system designed for high performance and high sample throughput. The base ASAP 2460 is a two-port master control unit. For more throughput, additional two-port auxiliary units can be connected to the master unit expanding the system to either a four-port or six-port analyzer.
  • Fully automated modular system optimized for walkup sample screening
  • High throughput with two, four, or six independent analysis stations
  • BET surface area measurements in as little as 30 minutes
  • Dosing options of maximum volume increment or dosing over specified pressure ranges
  • Analysis temperature can be entered or calculated
  • Equilibration option allows user to specify equilibration times for different parts of the isotherm
  • Low surface area and micropore options
  • Innovative MicroActive software with advanced NLDFT modeling
  • State-of-the-art engineering ensures excellent accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility from all ports, from the master control unit through one or two auxiliary analysis units.
Six independent analysis stations
Sample tube with Isothermal Jacket
Long-life Dewars
Po tube with Isothermal Jacket provides continuous Po reading
Twelve degassing stations
Independently controlled heating mantles

High Performance and High Sample Throughput

The automated Micromeritics® ASAP® 2425 surface area and porosimetry system is designed to help busy laboratories expand their workflow while providing highly accurate and precise surface area and porosimetry data. High performance, versatile analysis, and sample preparation systems are included in the same instrument.
  • Fully automated analyses
  • High throughput with six independent analysis stations
  • Each analysis port has a dedicated analysis and Po pressure transducer
  • Twelve independently controlled degas ports
  • Evacuation rate precisely regulated by a servo valve
  • BET surface area measurements in as little as 1 hour
  • Dosing options of maximum volume increment or dosing over specified pressure ranges
  • Entered or calculated analysis temperature
  • Equilibration option allows user to specify equilibration times for different parts of the isotherm
  • Low surface area option with five independent analysis ports

Why ASAP 2460 & 2425?

Analysis System

ASAP 2460

  • All analysis ports can be operated independently and consecutively, allowing the user to load and unload samples at any time, regardless of the analysis stage. A new analysis can begin as soon as another is finished.
  • An analysis of up to 60 hours can be performed without refilling the Dewar. This allows unattended analysis of high-resolution adsorption/desorption isotherms.
  • With a master unit and two auxiliary units, BET surface area analyses utilizing six parallel runs can be achieved in as little as 30 minutes.
  • Servo pressure control for dosing and evacuation.
  • Up to five different nonreactive adsorptives, plus an additional gas for free space, can be attached to the analyzer simultaneously.
  • Intuitive MicroActive software combines user-defined reports with the ability to interactively evaluate isotherm data. User-selectable data ranges through the graphic interface allow direct modeling for BET, t-Plot, Langmuir, DFT interpretation, and new advanced NLDFT methods.
  • An innovative dashboard monitors and provides convenient access to real-time instrument performance indicators and maintenance scheduling.

ASAP 2425

  • With six independently operated analysis ports, a new analysis can begin as soon as another is finished. This provides an important advantage over many multiport instruments that require all samples to be prepared or analyzed at the same time.
  • Long-duration Dewars and Micromeritics Isothermal Jackets1 assure a constant thermal profile along the length of both the sample and saturation pressure (Po ) tubes throughout extended analyses. The Po value may be entered, or measured either continuously or at selected intervals.
  • The high-capacity Dewar also allows unattended analysis of high-resolution adsorption/desorption isotherms that take much longer to complete because the system must equilibrate at each data point.
  • BET surface area analyses utilizing six parallel runs can be achieved in as little as 1 hour.
  • A low surface area option that uses krypton as an adsorptive to measure total surface areas of 0.5 m2 or less is available. This option utilizes five of the six available ports. It also features a turbomolecular drag pump, which provides the high vacuum required for krypton analyses, and a 10 mmHg pressure transducer, which allows accurate, repeatable pressure resolution.
  • Intuitive Micromeritics MicroActive software combines user-defined reports with the ability to interactively evaluate isotherm data. User-selectable data ranges through the graphic interface allow direct modeling for BET, t-Plot, Langmuir, DFT interpretation, and new advanced NLDFT methods.
  • Up to five different nonreactive adsorptives, plus an additional gas for free space, can be attached to the analyzer simultaneously.
  • The servo pressure control regulates dosing and evacuation during analysis to reduce analysis time.

Low Surface Area Measurement (Krypton) and Micropore Options

In addition to the standard ASAP 2425 and ASAP 240, low surface area krypton and micropore models are available. Low surface area (krypton) model includes the addition of a 10 mmHg transducer and permits accurate measurement of very low surface area materials (< 1 m2 /g). The micropore model includes the addition of a 1 mmHg transducer which extends the low pressure measurement capabilities and allows enhanced performance for characterizing microporous materials. The transducer also increases pressure resolution in the range necessary for micropore analysis.


Superior Data Presentation Capability

Innovative MicroActive Software
Micromeritics’ innovative MicroActive software allows users to interactively evaluate isotherm data. Users can easily include or exclude data, fitting the desired range of experimentally acquired data points using interactive, movable calculation bars. Isotherms can be viewed on either a linear or logarithmic scale.

Data Reduction Benefits

  • Interaction with adsorption data is direct. By simply moving the calculation bars, the user is immediately updated with new textual properties.
  • Interactive data manipulation minimizes the use of dialog boxes and tunneling of dialogs to specify calculation parameters.
  • Ability to overlay files (up to 25) including mercury intrusion data with a file add-and-subtract feature.
  • User-selectable data ranges through the graphic interface allow direct modeling for BET, t-Plot, Langmuir, DFT interpretation, and much more.
  • Report Options editor allows the user to define reports with on-screen previews. Information from each report can be included in a concise summary, as well as in a tabular and graphical information pane.

Interactive Reports include

(when appropriate to the analysis performed)

  • Isotherm
  • BET Surface Area
  • Langmuir Surface Area
  • t-Plot
  • Alpha-S Method
  • BJH Adsorption and Desorption
  • Dollimore-Heal Adsorption and Desorption
  • Horvath-Kawazoe
  • MP-Method
  • DFT Pore Size and Surface Energy
  • Dubinin-Radushkevich
  • Dubinin-Astakhov
  • User-Defined Reports
  • Isotherm
  • BET Surface Area
  • Langmuir Surface Area
  • t-Plot
  • Alpha-S Method
  • BJH Adsorption and Desorption
  • Dollimore-Heal Adsorption and Desorption
  • Horvath-Kawazoe
  • Saito-Foley
  • Cheng-Yang
  • MP-Method
  • DFT Pore Size and Surface Energy
  • Dubinin-RadushkevichDubinin-Astakhov
  • NLDFT Advanced Reports
  • User-Defined Reports

Sample Preparation System

Micromeritics’ sample preparation devices prepare batches of samples for surface area and pore volume analysis. They combine flowing gas and/or vacuum with heat to remove atmospheric contaminants, such as water vapor and adsorbed gas, from the surface and pores of the sample.
FlowPrep 060
The FlowPrep™ 060 applies both heat and a stream of inert gas to the sample. The heat causes contaminants to desorb from the surface and the stream of inert gas sweeps them out of the sample tube. It lets you choose the temperature, gas, and flow rate best suited for your sample material and application. Needle valves allow you to introduce the flowing gas slowly to prevent fluidization of samples.
The VacPrep™ 061 offers two methods for removing contaminants. In addition to flowing gas, it provides vacuum to prepare samples by heating and evacuation. This combination allows you to choose the preparation method that is best suited to your material or application. The VacPrep features six degassing stations, and a choice of vacuum or gas flow preparation on each of the six stations. Needle valves are also provided allowing you to introduce the flowing gas or vacuum slowly to prevent fluidization of samples.
LN2 Transfer System
The Model 021 LN2 Transfer System allows you to transfer liquid nitrogen or liquid argon from a nonpressurized storage Dewar into smaller containers as needed in laboratory experiments. The system was specifically developed for conveniently filling Dewars for gas adsorption instruments and is compatible with all TriStar, 3Flex, and ASAP-series instruments. The roller base makes it easy to move the 021 System to the location where the cryogen is needed. The nozzle and insulated, flexible hose enable convenient filling and refilling of analysis Dewars. The system can hold liquid nitrogen or argon up to 30 days allowing cost-efficient use of your cryogen.
The ASAP 2425 system includes twelve automatically controlled sample preparation ports that operate independently. Samples may be added or removed from degas ports without disturbing the treatment of other samples undergoing preparation.
The sample preparation system is fully automated with controlled heating time profiles. Temperature and ramp rate can be set and monitored individually and controlled from a few degrees above ambient to 450 °C. The temperature hold period may extend past the point when evacuation is completed.
A programmable pressure threshold can suspend the temperature ramp if the outgassing pressure exceeds the limit specified, preventing destructive steaming or other undesired reactions with residual gasses and vapors.




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ASAP 2425 ASAP 2460
Voltage 100/115/230 VAC (± 10%) 100/115/230 VAC (± 10%)
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz 50 or 60 Hz
Power 800 VA, exclusive of vacuum pumps, which are powered separately 800 VA, exclusive of vacuum pumps, which are powered separately
ASAP 2425 ASAP 2460
Temperature 10 to 30 °C operating,
-10 to 55 °C storage or shipping
10 to 30 °C operating,
-10 to 55 °C storage or shipping
Humidity Up to 90% relative (non-condensing) for instrument. Up to 90% relative (non-condensing) for instrument.
ASAP 2425 ASAP 2460
Analysis System 6 sample ports, each with a constantly monitored saturation pressure port 2, 4, or 6 sample ports (for krypton analysis, one sample port is used for dosing), each with a constantly monitored saturation pressure port
Degas System 12 degas ports, each with independently controlled heating mantle -
Analysis System
ASAP 2425 ASAP 2460
Manifold Temperature Transducer Type: Platinum resistance device (RTD) Accuracy: ±0.10 °C by keyboard entry Stability: ±0.10 °C per month Type: Platinum resistance device (RTD) Accuracy: ±0.10 °C by keyboard entry Stability: ±0.10 °C per month
Manifold Pressure Transducer Range:
Vacuum to 950 mmHg operating:
1000 mmHg maximum
10 mmHg added for krypton option
1 mmHg for micropore optionResolution:
1000 mmHg Transducer: 0.01 mmHg
10 mmHg Transducer: 0.0001 mm
1 mmHg Transducer: 0.00001 mmAccuracy:
1000 mmHg Transducer: within 0.1% FS
10 mmHg Transducer1 : within 0.15% of reading
1 mmHg Transducer2 : within within 0.12% of reading
0 to 950 mmHg operating:
1000 mmHg maximum
0 to 10 mmHg added for Krypton option
Resolution: 1000-mmHg Transducer: 0.001 mmHg
10-mmHg Transducer1: 0.00001 mmHg
1-mmHg Transducer**: 0.000001 mmHg
Accuracy: 1000-mmHg Transducer: within 0.15% of reading
10-mmHg Transducer1: within 0.15% of reading
1-mmHg Transducer2: within 0.12% of reading
Sample Port Transducer and Po Port Transducers Range: 0 to 950 mmHg Resolution: 0.01 mmHg Accuracy: ±0.1% Full Scale
Vacuum Gauge Type: Thermocouple
Range: 0.001 to 1 mmHg
Type: Thermocouple
Range: 0.001 to 1 mmHg
ASAP 2425 ASAP 2460
Height 159 cm (62.5 in.) 94 cm (37 in.)
Width 103 cm (40.5 in.) 38 cm (15 in.)
Depth 51 cm (20.2 in.) 59 cm (23 in.)
Weight 160 kg (350 lb) 54 kg (119 lb)
Vacuum System
ASAP 2425 ASAP 2460
Nitrogen System Pumps 2 oil-based pumps: 1 analysis, 1 degas
4 pumps (optional): 2 oil-free (1 analysis, 1 degas),
2 high vacuum (1 analysis, 1 degas)
Nitrogen: Oil-sealed pump
Krypton & Micropore Pumps Oil-based mechanical pump:
5 x 10-3 mmHg ultimate vacuum
Oil-free and high vacuum pump:
3.8 x 10-9 mmHg ultimate vacuum3
Krypton & enhanced micropore option: High-vacuum pump
Degas System
ASAP 2425 ASAP 2460
Capacity 12 degas ports -
Vacuum Control Selectable target pressure controls switchover from restricted to unrestricted evacuation -
Evacuation Selectable evacuation rate from 1.0 to 50.0 mmHg/s -
Manifold Pressure Transducer Range: 0 to 950 mmHg
Resolution: 0.01 mmHg
Accuracy: ±0.1% Full Scale
Vacuum Transducer Type: Thermocouple
Range: 0.001 to 1 mmHg
Titled Backfill Gas User-selectable at dedicated port, typically nitrogen or helium -
Temperature Control Temperature Range: Ambient to 450 °C (Programmable)
Temperature Control: 1 ramp during evacuation phase, 5 additional selectable ramps during heating phase
Selection: Digitally set, 1 °C increments from computer
Accuracy: Deviation less than ±10 °C of set point at the sensing thermocouple embedded in the heating mantle
Provided specifications were valid as taken from available documents at time of publication. These specifications may change without notice and are only provided as a general reference

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