대중적인 가스 흡착 분석기에서 헬륨 의존성을 제거한 마이크로머티리얼즈

Monday, 29 April, 2024

Norcross, Georgia, April 29, 2024

Micromeritics Instrument Corporation today announced major software updates for its industry-leading 3Flex and TriStar gas adsorption instruments. These updates enable complete analysis without the need for helium gas, a resource facing ongoing supply chain challenges.

“Labs around the world are struggling with limited helium availability and rising costs,” said David Bohnsack, VP of Product Management for Micromeritics. “Our new software empowers labs to complete their full analytical workflow using more readily available gases like nitrogen or argon. This not only reduces operating expenses but also simplifies gas management.”

The innovative software update introduces a new method for free space determination, a critical step in gas adsorption analysis. This method eliminates the need for helium entirely, leading to significant cost savings. Additionally, it streamlines the analysis process, reducing measurement time by up to thirty minutes.

The new software versions, TriStar v3.04 and 3Flex v6.03, are available for free download from the Micromeritics website: https://www.micromeritics.com/support/software/

About Micromeritics Instrument Corporation

Micromeritics Instrument Corporation is the world’s leading manufacturer of high-performance systems to measure density, surface area and porosity, powder rheology and catalyst activity.

The company is headquartered in Norcross, Georgia, USA with manufacturing sites in the U.S. and Europe, and direct sales operations throughout North America, Europe, and Asia.