Characterizing Li-ion Battery Separators: Pore Structure Determination

December 9, 2021


Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are an advanced technology that will play a key role in the trend toward renewable and sustainable industrial electrification solutions.

The AutoPore V Series utilizes the Mercury Porosimetry analysis technique, based on the intrusion of mercury into a porous structure under stringently controlled pressures. Besides offering speed, accuracy, and a wide measurement range, mercury porosimetry permits you to calculate numerous sample properties such as pore size distributions, total pore volume, total pore surface area, median pore diameter and sample densities (bulk and skeletal). This webinar will describe how the AutoPore V can be used to characterized separators which are critical to the safety and reliability of li-on batteries.


Jeff Hrivnak

Jeff Hrivnak

Vice President of Market Development

High energy leader with more than 25 years of diversified experience in the chemicals, specialty polymers, and advanced materials industries with a demonstrated proficiency for working in international, multi-cultural, matrix environments. Strong track record in driving growth through business development, international marketing, product management, and R&D direction.

Tony Thornton

Tony Thornton

Senior Product Scientist Director, Product Integrity and Performance

Tony  Thornton received both his B.S. degree in Chemistry (cum laude) and his M.S. degree in Analytical Chemistry from Emory University in Atlanta, in 1980. Tony’s research at Emory involved liquid chromatography, specifically the use of ion-pair chromatography and isocratic separation of catecholamines and metabolites. His work supported early research into potential treatment of Parkinson’s disease between Emory and the Veterans Administration hospital in Atlanta.
Tony has been a key member of the Micromeritics team since 1980, specifically evolving the study of particle sizing using liquid chromatography. Tony was also instrumental in developing the SediGraph, DigiSizer, and Elzone, and has made significant contributions to development of products for particle size, physisorption, chemisorption and pycnometer product lines. Most recently, Tony was the recipient of the ASTM International 2021 Cavanaugh Award. He was recognized for outstanding promulgation of standard test methods for powder characterization and for masterful leadership in international standards development organizations.

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