Generally, a nitrogen isotherm is widely used to characterize a material for specific surface area and pore size distribution. Using this well-established gas adsorption method, graphite, a commonly used anode material for Lithium-Ion Batteries, was characterized. In this webinar, how the unique characteristics of a graphitic surface affect the appropriate BET range will be discussed as well as how a nitrogen isotherm can reveal the topology features of a graphitic surface using the DFT surface energy model, distinguishing the distribution of edge planes, basal planes, and defects.

Pearl Kim
Pearl received her BS degrees in chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Georgia. Her undergraduate research involved spectroscopic studies of purified carbon nanotubes with emphasis on UV-vis and Raman spectroscopy and the X-ray protein crystallography with a focus on crystallizing and finishing a Glutathione Reductase mutant structure. She joined Micromeritics in 2017 as a lab analyst, managing physisorption and chemisorption analyses in the PTA lab for a couple years. She joined the applications team in 2020, specializing in physisorption.