Maximize Your Results from the Micromeritics AutoPore V – Demonstration

June 15, 2022


In this webinar, Tony Thornton, Micromeritics Director of Technical Information, will lead you through a brief demonstration of the AutoPore, from loading a sample in a penetrometer, through low and high pressure analysis, and pore size distribution analysis review.

The AutoPore V series determines pore volume and pore area distributions as a function of pore diameter. In addition, pore structure characteristics, such as permeability and tortuosity, as well as bulk and apparent skeletal density, are determined. Pore volume distribution contributes to performance behavior of catalyst supports, pharmaceutical tablets, lithium ion battery electrodes and separators, roasted coffee beans, orthopedic implants, and many other materials.

Tony will narrate the primary steps in the analysis as Chris, our Senior AutoPore Analyst, demonstrates each of the primary steps of an AutoPore analysis of a catalyst support material. Between them, they have over 55 years of experience in the field of mercury intrusion porosimetry.  They will take you through the same steps that will be needed to characterize the pore structure of your materials, be they powders or formed solids.


Tony Thornton

Tony Thornton

Senior Product Scientist Director, Product Integrity and Performance

Tony  Thornton received both his B.S. degree in Chemistry (cum laude) and his M.S. degree in Analytical Chemistry from Emory University in Atlanta, in 1980. Tony’s research at Emory involved liquid chromatography, specifically the use of ion-pair chromatography and isocratic separation of catecholamines and metabolites. His work supported early research into potential treatment of Parkinson’s disease between Emory and the Veterans Administration hospital in Atlanta.
Tony has been a key member of the Micromeritics team since 1980, specifically evolving the study of particle sizing using liquid chromatography. Tony was also instrumental in developing the SediGraph, DigiSizer, and Elzone, and has made significant contributions to development of products for particle size, physisorption, chemisorption and pycnometer product lines. Most recently, Tony was the recipient of the ASTM International 2021 Cavanaugh Award. He was recognized for outstanding promulgation of standard test methods for powder characterization and for masterful leadership in international standards development organizations.

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