Powder characterization is not a single-parameter exercise, and frequently multiple metrics are required to provide useful insights into powder behaviour. However, large numbers of seemingly disparate parameters can be confusing and risk obscuring the useful data within. Here we discuss ways to amalgamate data from multiple test procedures in order to produce predictive models for the selection of candidate powders in manufacturing process. Whilst the method presented focuses on tablet manufacture for the pharmaceutical industry, this approach can be used across wide ranging industries in order to provide useful test methodologies and clear metrics for powder selection.

Guy Stimpson
Dr. Guy Stimpson is an Applications Scientist for Freeman Technology, a Micromeritics company based in the UK. Guy studied a bachelor’s degree in astrophysics at Prifysgol Aberystwyth University before completing a PhD in experimental quantum physics at Warwick University, where he investigated the use of optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) of nitrogen vacancies in nanodiamond for magnetometry and quantum sensing.
As an Applications Scientist, Guy works closely with researchers and engineers from across industry to develop and implement methodologies for the testing of powder flow systems, bringing advanced powder testing into new markets and novel applications in order to improve efficiency and maximise industrial throughput.